Hidden Lift - Amazing Retracting Stairs that reveal a Wheelchair Lift

Hidden Lift



The lift is completely hidden when not in use. To view our other projects, please click here

This Hidden Lift was installed at St Mary Le Bow Church in the centre of London. It is a two-step retracting stair system that won the name “Hidden Lift” because the sympathetic design of the bespoke wheelchair access lift makes it exactly that.

Following a short installation period, involving an excavation of a pit to take the workings of the Hidden Lift, the final stage is to clad the lift in the same materials as before, so as to marry in with the look of the building and maintain the building‘s Heritage.

This is just one example in a massive range of possibilities available to us at Sesame Access, to help ensure each lift is suited to and fits in perfectly with the surrounding environment. Included in our extensive armoury is a lift that involves almost an entire stage raising and lowering to three different heights, as well as a lift completely concealed behind a false wall panel, at both the upper and lower access points. Examples like this, along with every other lift we have ever done help to show why Sesame Access is the perfect company to come to for a bespoke, unique and unmatched hidden lifts for disabled access.

Despite the hidden nature of each of our lifts, they still comply perfectly with all of the standards set out in both the Disability Discrimination Act 1995/Equality Act 2010 and English Heritage, and we ensure each one of our lifts follows the recommendations set out by the British Standards, ensuring both the safety and security of all users. Sesame Access Systems Ltd are at the very forefront of disabled access modernisation and efficiency, helping and leading the charge to ensure everyone can have access to public, listed or work buildings everywhere regardless of their handicaps or restrictions.

Please select the following link; Wheelchair Access Lifts for more information on what makes a wheelchair access lift different from every other lift, and how a lift can be hidden even if not solely for wheelchair users. This is mentioned because for standing lift users or a rise of over 1000mm, British Standards state that the lift user must be completely enclosed on all four sides to a minimum of waist height. This requirement makes Sesame Access the only company in Britain that can make a lift of this description sink completely into the ground and be covered by a safe, usable set of stairs when not in use.

Alternatively, please click the corresponding links to find out exactly how we can help you comply with the Disability Discrimination Act1995/Equality Act 2010 and the standards laid out by English Heritage respectively. We at Sesame are both proud and determined to comply with and maintain all of the laws in Britain and abroad with regards to wheelchair and disabled access to buildings, ensuring that all users are aware of the safety requirements of using such lifts and can benefit from the safety procedures put in place. Those with disabilities are our primary concern and we will continue to do our utmost to ensure they can exercise the right to be treated just like everyone else in a world where equality is of so much importance.


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