Weekly Global Disability News

Sesame Access are not only a disabled access lift manufacturer but we are also advocates for an accessible and inclusive society. We create products which change peoples lives and ensure they can access the buildings and places they WANT to go to and not just because it is accessible.

The news stories below demonstrate the struggles and obstacles the disability community face everyday. Raising awareness is essential to combat the issues and make a change.

17th-23rd October

Disability Employment Awareness Month

People with disabilities play a vital role in making any workforce more diverse, inclusive and vibrant. That is certainly true here at Morgan Stanley. Many of our employees identify as differently abled. In recognition of their significant contributions, this month we’re celebrating National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM). “Of course, every day is a great day to be sensitive to the needs of our peers and friends with disabilities,” says Executive Director, Wealth Management Analytics, Data & Innovation Deepti Chhiber. “But October is a time to dedicate some extra focus time to learn more.”

That’s why the disAbility Employee Network is hosting numerous events, a keynote speaker series and other programs this month. That includes a chance to hear from Team U.S.A. Paralympic gold-medalist Oksana Masters. (Not content to master just one sport, Masters happens to be a Paralympian in rowing, cross-country skiing and cycling.) She’ll talk about overcoming obstacles, what it’s like becoming a role model for differently abled people and what everyone can do to create a more inclusive workplace and a more inclusive world.

But of course, there are differently abled role models right here at Morgan Stanley, including both Deepti and Vice President, Enterprise Tech & Services, Trevor Astrope. We reached out to them to get their take on the career barriers people with disabilities face and why this month matters.

Full article here: https://www.morganstanley.com/...

Support for apprentices with a learning difficulty or disability

Learning support funding is available for apprenticeship providers to make reasonable adjustments to support apprentices who have learning difficulties or disabilities.

This guidance outlines:

  • how providers should assess and identify the needs of their apprentices
  • how to make a claim in line with the apprenticeship funding rules

Full article here: https://www.gov.uk/government/...

‘Insulting’: shock as NHS uses offensive term for people with learning disability

The NHS has been criticised for using outdated and offensive terminology in its official statistics when describing people with intellectual disabilities.

NHS Digital publishes annual statistics that record all admissions, appointments and attendances for all patients at NHS hospitals across England and is broken down by specific diagnostic categories.

Among these categories, the term “mental retardation” is used to refer to patients with learning or intellectual disabilities. It is a term widely considered to be offensive, and even in NHS guidance is described as outdated. The guidance says it should now be replaced with terms such as intellectual disability.

Although the terminology used in the NHS statistics are based on a diagnostic classification system by the World Health Organization (WHO) known as ICD-10, the WHO has since updated its classification to remove the term, in its latest classification system ICD-11. The latest NHS Digital statistics, published in September after the WHO’s guidance came into effect, still uses the term “mental retardation”.

NHS Digital have said that it was not possible to use the updated classification system in the most recent statistics, because it was not available for the whole time period the publication covers.

Ciara Lawrence, who has a learning disability and is the engagement lead at the learning disability charity Mencap, said the terminology used in the statistics was “unacceptable and describe people like me as a second-class citizen, with no value to society. It’s insulting and truly shocks me.”

She added: “The NHS need to assess and review the use of language that the World Health Organization have officially changed. Offensive and outdated terms like this should not be used at all, particularly by healthcare professionals.

“People with a learning disability face significant barriers and discrimination when it comes to accessing healthcare, and words like this show how far we still have to go, to reach equality.”

Full article here: https://www.theguardian.com/so...

£6.4 million boost for employers to support disabled people

New online service will give employers the tools they need to empower and encourage disabled employees and those with health conditions.

  • Drive to create more inclusive work environments and equip employers with advice on how people from all backgrounds can thrive at work and grow the economy
  • Businesses and disability groups invited to test and shape new service which supports employers to employ more diverse and inclusive workforces

Thousands of businesses across the UK will benefit from a new £6.4 million online service to help employers better support disabled people and those with health conditions in the workplace.

The early test version of the Support with Employee Health and Disability service provides essential information about supporting and managing employees with disabilities or health conditions at work.

Any employer can access the service, which provides free advice on how to manage staff who may be in or out of work with a disability or long-term health condition in a user-friendly online Q&A format.

The service is aimed at smaller businesses, many of which do not have in-house HR support or access to an occupational health service and will help them to build more diverse and inclusive workforces.

The new service also covers potential changes an employer could make to help them return to and stay in work, supporting a government drive to boost numbers of people in employment and ensuring everyone has the opportunity to benefit from being in work.

Minister for Disabled People, Health and Work, Claire Coutinho said:

Since 2017 we have seen one million more disabled people in work, beating our target by five years. Now we want to go even further by giving more employers the tools and information they need to ensure disabled people and those with health conditions can succeed in the workplace.

As the new Minister for Disabled People, Health and Work, there is no end to my ambition to build on the success of the Department by making sure disabled people have the same opportunities as everyone else to start, stay and succeed in work.

The site is currently in test mode, with businesses and disability groups invited to have their say through a short online survey, to help shape the future of the service.

The site will be constantly updated and improved over the next three years, informed by feedback given from the survey

The service has been designed to give employers easy access to the advice they need to create the best environments for their staff with disabilities or long-term health issues, so that anyone from any background can start, stay and succeed in work.

Once fully developed, the service will also help employers understand their legal obligations, including how to make adjustments for disabled people and those with health conditions.

Over the next three years, the government will invest £1.3 billion in employment support for disabled people and people with health conditions. This money will go towards building up existing provision, including expanding employment support, to grow the economy and help people with the cost of living.

Further Information

  • The new online service is a direct response to the government’s 2019 consultation, ‘Health is everyone’s business’, in which employers asked for joined-up advice on supporting health in the workplace that is easier to find and act upon.
  • The Support with Employee Health and Disability service is available on GOV UK
  • The website is the first public version of the service and is part of an almost £6.5 million (£6.428 million) programme of work to help employers support and manage employees with disabilities or health conditions.
  • The latest figures show the number of disabled people in employment has increased by 1.3 million since 2017, delivering on a government goal to see one million more in work by 2027.
  • The 10-year employment goal was a government manifesto commitment originally set in 2017 to break down barriers for disabled people and those with health conditions and to build more diverse and inclusive workforces

Full article here: https://www.gov.uk/government/...

Only 4% Of Employees Disclose A Disability, But New HR Tools And Training Could Upend That Trend

Disclosure of a disability at work is, ideally, about asking for the resources or flexibility you need to do your best work, but currently, it’s not safe or low barrier for employees. Instead, revealing a disability is a tough personal choice. Corporate leadership is much more comfortable with number sets than individual needs. Meanwhile, employees are keenly aware of who really understands them and feels their pain. If they sense any bias, they’re tight-lipped about their disability. This kind of information push-pull is what’s stymied most of the progress in disability disclosure. How can your team move the needle? Here’s what to know after you’ve read the disappointing statistics, below:

Disappointing Statistics On Disclosure

· 92% of businesses said they encourage employees with a disability to self-identify and 95% have a confidential process for disclosing

· less than 4% of companies in one study said employees revealed a mental or physical disability

In an Intel/ADP Research Institute survey on reaching DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion goals), many HR practitioners reported feeling comfortable that they could deliver on building employee trust and helping them to grow in their jobs. But phrases that suggested they could help employees, for example, “make me feel SAFE” and “give me what I NEED” (capped words for emphasis are theirs not mine) practitioners ‘skeptical, indicating these areas were not their responsibility or might put them in conflict with their employer,” according to the ADP report.

Full article here: https://www.forbes.com/sites/d...

Disability Power 100– Influential Disabled People

The Shaw Trust Disability Power 100 List is published every year and celebrates the most influential disabled people in the UK. The 2022 list is published on the 17th October, following a delay to allow for the mourning of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

The List is pan-disability and honours hidden disabilities, sensory impairments and muscular-skeletal disabilities equally. As someone with ADHD, I have been nominated this year and the list includes a number of people with hidden disabilities, including top 10 nominee Dr Elliott Spaeth. Inclusion in pan-disability events is vital for those of us who "pass" as abled - we are frequently disbelieved, we internalize this and are less likely to ask for accommodations and hold ourselves in high esteem for overcoming barriers. We typically spent many years undiagnosed, and being told by educators and family that we "must try harder." Understanding our identity as disabled often comes with relief and a letting go of trying to achieve unrealistic perfection.

The Disability Power 100 List recognizes success, inclusion and advocacy. It highlights the pioneers, the changemakers and influencers opening doors for future generations. The Shaw Trust Disability Power 100 contenders are nominated by the public and judged by an independent panel and includes categories such as education, Politics, the Arts, Science, Sport, Business and Finance, IT, Media, Entertainment and Community.

Full article here: https://www.forbes.com/sites/d...

Disclaimer- We do not own/write any of these article extracts, we are simply sharing to our audience in order to raise awareness and increase coverage. Credit is always given.


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