Success in Salisbury

Access for All at Salisbury’s Guildhall

On 3 April Salisbury City Council welcomed The INSPIRE Foundation and its Patrons, including 180 guests, to a fundraising event at Salisbury’s Guildhall following the installation of a new and improved disabled access lift.

The hi-tech lift has been installed inside the Fish Row entrance to the Guildhall, providing access for all to the ground floor of the venue, enabling disabled visitors to enjoy both the Banqueting Hall and the Crown Court.

Executive Director, The INSPIRE Foundation, Rory Steevenson said, “This is a wonderful opportunity for the Friends of INSPIRE to be present at the Guildhall to officially open the new lift during one of our charity’s many fundraising events. We are also delighted that some of our Patrons, Trustees and research scientists have been able to join us and put the lift through its paces”.

The Mayor of the City of Salisbury, Councillor Mrs Penny Brown was present to welcome The INSPIRE Foundation and to officially cut the ribbon. The Mayor said “This new equipment will really benefit disabled users of the building ensuring greater ease of access for all. I was delighted to officially open the lift and welcome The Inspire Foundation and its guests to the Guildhall.”

Every week thirteen people of all ages succumb to Spinal Cord Paralysis, often through road traffic and sporting accidents, or falls both at home or in the work place. These result in partial or complete Spinal Cord Injuries (SCI), either Paraplegia where the lesion or break is in the back, or Tetraplegia where the break is in the neck.

The INSPIRE Foundation, is a national research charity based within the grounds of Salisbury District Hospital. It focuses on practical measures to help the 40,000 people living with SCI in the United Kingdom. There is no Government funding for research into SCI but since 1985 INSPIRE has raised over £1 million and sponsored nearly 30 scientific research projects, which have exploited the latest technology to facilitate quality of life measures for those living with Tetraplegia and Paraplegia. .

If you would like to know more about the work of The INSPIRE Foundation, contact Lorna McGregor, Events and PR on 01722 336262 ext 2465 or visit


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