Sesame Access use prime quality stainless steel to build disabled lifts



Have a look at some of the lifts we have installed so far on our projects page

Lifts have been around for more than a century and a big reason for their success is not only their ability to transport pretty much anything from one level to another with relative ease and simplicity between multiple levels of varying height and distance from one another. The first lifts in history were very simple machines, operated by pulleys and man-power and made from very simple components including wood and rope or flax. However through history, development after development has lead us to the modern lift, built predominantly out of metal and powered by electricity.

One metal that is very common in most lifts is steel, an alloy created by melting iron in a furnace and combining it with carbon until the atoms are fused into a single material. This resulting material is significantly harder and more malleable than iron, meaning it can be moulded into thin sheets under compression or by hammering without shattering.

Stainless steel is made by adding chromium to the melting process, resulting in an alloy which is just as durable as ordinary steel but also able to withstand the corrosive effects of oxygen. This last effect is pretty significant and is one of the major deficiencies of buildings made out of copper as it causes the building to take on a greenish blue colour, as evidenced by the discolouration of New York’s Statue of Liberty over time. This weakening of the iron structure is particularly dangerous for lifts due to the stress exerted on it when used by many people.

Another metal that is used very often in lifts is aluminium. Like stainless steel, it can resist oxygen corrosion very well and is very malleable but on top of that, it is three times less dense than steel making it easier to use. Aluminium can be used in small or large quantities to create a lighter lift than would be possible if only steel were used. The major drawback of aluminium is that is not as tough as steel and it is difficult to isolate from aluminium ores given its high melting point. This is why aluminium alloys are used more frequently than simple aluminium.

At Sesame Access we use top quality stainless steel to build our disabled lifts that enable wheelchair user to access buildings without having to overcome a steep flight of stairs. In fact the fixed stairs are replaced with a moving staircase that can conceal a working platform lift. The steps effectively transform into a lift when the call lift button is pressed and reverts back to a staircase when the lift isn't needed. Most of our lifts take between 1 and 2 months to complete from the initial drawings to build all of the lift components to installing it in its intended location.

When building the lift we always take into consideration the wishes of the building owners and how they want the lift to look. To this end, we can use all types of stone and various other materials, including carpet and linoleum to clad our lifts and ensure that the lift naturally complements its surroundings. Because the lifts that we make are highly bespoke and made to specific measurements, there is no risk of wide gaps between lift parts and additionally makes the lift very user friendly.

If you would like to learn more about the products we can supply, please take a look at our brochure. Alternatively, you can request a quotation for a Sesame lift on our quotation page, learn how we can help you comply with DDA Regulations or take a deeper look into the process from quotation request to installation.


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