Lift Installation

With over 20 years of experience, Sesame Access has developed in conjunction with our partner companies the following procedure to ensure a two-week lift installation and prompt handover. Deviations from the following steps may result in delays to the installation and practical completion dates.

1) The lift pit

  • Pre-install inspection of the pit must take place a minimum of one week before install
  • Sesame cannot inspect the pit until it is finished with all gridlines and datums
  • The pit must be clean, and clear of all debris and other trades
  • Delivery and installation details will be covered
  • See "Pre-Install Checklist" below

Pit drawing, Click to enlarge

2) Lift delivery and install

  • The trim/lining of the pit arrives first and is fixed and levelled
  • The Sesame lift will be delivered via HIAB and if possible, lowered directly into the pit
  • If the HIAB cannot lower into the pit, a gantry crane will be used to traverse the lift into position
  • Once in place, Sesame engineers will install the lift and get it up and running
  • See below "Pit-Trim Sign Off", "Standard Install RAMS" and "Data Sheets"

Lift transporting by HIAB

3) Cladding and commissioning

  • The cladding must be cut to size, and permanent power must be on site to begin the second week
  • Sesame will supervise the cladding of the lift, to ensure all requirements and standards are met
  • The final installation steps, including commissioning and testing

Cladding Samples - Click to Enlarge

4) Handover

  • All handover and testing documents are issued from the Sesame head office
  • The client must receive training on correct and safe lift operation
  • All Sesame lifts come with a 1 year warranty, and one standard service after 6-months.
  • Click here for service details
The Finished Product


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