Sesame domestic Lifts - Improves the Access of commercial buildings

Domestic lifts


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The before and after photos of our lift at Overbrook. See how much the Sesame lift improves the location? Have a look at our other projects here

The majority of the Sesame systems are designed, built and installed in commercial buildings such as offices, rented apartments, listed buildings, town halls or even palaces. However Sesame install domestic lifts throughout the country.

This example is installed in a private residences house as he was interested in domestic lifts throughout the property for his beautiful young daughter who is paraplegic. She could not control the standard set of buttons on our lift with the limited movement in her hands due to her disability so the client requested voice activated controls. It was a wonderful site and a great success for Sesame Access Systems to be able to give the user freedom to her own house over this level change, by the control of her voice.

British Standards state that domestic lifts should be controlled by press and hold controls where the user keeps a constant amount of pressure on the button to enable the domestic lift to travel. However, this is not always possible as stated above.

The standards in many cases are excellent guides for safety. Press and hold controls are without doubt the safest way to control domestic lifts. However the safety guides within the standards do not always cover every scenario.

In this example the user was able to press one button only. She was therefore asked to keep constant pressure on that one button to enable her domestic lift to work. It was essentially an ON button, however it was wired through our safety stop circuit to give the user maximum control over stopping the domestic lift and to try to keep to the standards safety guides. It was Sesames responsibility to present the British Standards guides for controlling the lift to client to the client so that together we could come to the safest agreed control method of this domestic lift.

We offer a range of control setups for different environments from our standard controls fixed at the upper landing, the lower landing and on the lift, to the voice activated controls as stated above. In certain environments swipe cards can be used to switch the lift on. The swipe cards would be issued to each user to prevent unauthorised use. For example the domestic lift may be installed externally at the entrance to a block of flats and open to vandalism, each resident would then be issued a swipe card for private use.

In many cases there is simply a call for assistance button at the upper and lower approach to the domestic lifts. The call for assistance button would chime to a member of staff who would meet and greet each user and control the lift for them. This is a dependent domestic lift. This setup is actually quite common when the reception desk is manned during the opening hours or concierges are greeting all visitors.

When deciding on the style of Sesame system it is important to choose from the correct range of domestic lifts that we offer. Please click on the following best stair lift for an overview of our products to use as a guide to select the correct system for you or your client and the end user.


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