Sesame Access - Most reliable lift company to create better access

Lift Company

View some case studies on some of our completed lifts here

Sesame Access was founded and raised as a lift company in 1996 when our founder, who started life out as a hydraulic engineer, realised and witnessed the difficulties faced by wheelchair users when desiring to enter publicly accessible listed buildings. The reason for this issue was mainly down to the architectural merit or historical significance of such buildings and structures. Local councils were very averse to altering the appearance or structure of listed buildings due to the strict laws surrounding their maintenance, with the intention of preserving their historical significance and merit as much as possible.

The second, more prominent cause of the access issue was due to the fact that there was no lift company, or company at all for that matter, who could provide a lift, ramp or other means of access that would not detract from the significance of the building into which it was being built. It was this issue that our founder took most notice of. A lift company with the ability and technique to ensure safe disabled access into listed buildings would be perfect for wheelchair users and those with movement difficulties everywhere. However, the how was much more of a challenge. How do you include disabled access into a staircase without changing the appearance of the staircase at all?

The answer came in the form of a horizontally retracting stair platform lift that could be altered or disguised for any location. One that could be clad in any material to completely mirror the surroundings, ensuring the buildings architectural and/or historical significance wasn’t altered or marred in any way whatsoever.

Sesame Access to this day remain as the only lift company in Britain and even the world that can provide horizontally retracting stairlifts that do their job so perfectly and efficiently, with visual beauty so completely unmatched. With a client list including Kensington Palace and the Institution of Civil Engineers, we have proven our ability to create completely bespoke systems unlike that of any other lift company the world over. The horizontally retracting stair wheelchair lift, when in resting position, acts like an ordinary staircase, allowing access to the general population, that is whoever else is likely to enter the building bar wheelchair users. However, when a wheelchair user wants to access the building, the stairs retract horizontally to reveal the lift platform. Once the wheelchair user is in place, all necessary protective barriers or wheelstops will come into play and the platform will transport the wheelchair user safely and efficiently from one level to the next.

As well as the horizontally retracting stairs option, Sesame can also provide a vertically retracting stairs option, where the stairs retract to form the pit themselves, and just a platform lift that can stand away from a staircase. Here at Sesame we strongly believe that each lift should be completely bespoke to each location, and as such do not provide a standard product. This enables us to ensure each lift with be the perfect addition to the desired location, allowing for complete fluency with the surrounding environment. When it comes to disabled access, no building is impossible and no requirement unimportant.

Lift Company

View some case studies on some of our completed lifts here

Sesame Access was founded and raised as a lift company in 1996 when our founder, who started life out as a hydraulic engineer, realised and witnessed the difficulties faced by wheelchair users when desiring to enter publicly accessible listed buildings. The reason for this issue was mainly down to the architectural merit or historical significance of such buildings and structures. Local councils were very averse to altering the appearance or structure of listed buildings due to the strict laws surrounding their maintenance, with the intention of preserving their historical significance and merit as much as possible.

The second, more prominent cause of the access issue was due to the fact that there was no lift company, or company at all for that matter, who could provide a lift, ramp or other means of access that would not detract from the significance of the building into which it was being built. It was this issue that our founder took most notice of. A lift company with the ability and technique to ensure safe disabled access into listed buildings would be perfect for wheelchair users and those with movement difficulties everywhere. However, the how was much more of a challenge. How do you include disabled access into a staircase without changing the appearance of the staircase at all?

The answer came in the form of a horizontally retracting stair platform lift that could be altered or disguised for any location. One that could be clad in any material to completely mirror the surroundings, ensuring the buildings architectural and/or historical significance wasn’t altered or marred in any way whatsoever.

Sesame Access to this day remain as the only lift company in Britain and even the world that can provide horizontally retracting stairlifts that do their job so perfectly and efficiently, with visual beauty so completely unmatched. With a client list including Kensington Palace and the Institution of Civil Engineers, we have proven our ability to create completely bespoke systems unlike that of any other lift company the world over. The horizontally retracting stair wheelchair lift, when in resting position, acts like an ordinary staircase, allowing access to the general population, that is whoever else is likely to enter the building bar wheelchair users. However, when a wheelchair user wants to access the building, the stairs retract horizontally to reveal the lift platform. Once the wheelchair user is in place, all necessary protective barriers or wheelstops will come into play and the platform will transport the wheelchair user safely and efficiently from one level to the next.

As well as the horizontally retracting stairs option, Sesame can also provide a vertically retracting stairs option, where the stairs retract to form the pit themselves, and just a platform lift that can stand away from a staircase. Here at Sesame we strongly believe that each lift should be completely bespoke to each location, and as such do not provide a standard product. This enables us to ensure each lift with be the perfect addition to the desired location, allowing for complete fluency with the surrounding environment. When it comes to disabled access, no building is impossible and no requirement unimportant.


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