Sesame Access Systems - A unique stair lift manufacturer

Stair lift manufacturer


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As a unique stair lift manufacturer, Sesame Access Systems have been operating for over 16 years within the engineering sector. Our expertise is in designing, building and installing wheelchair lifts that can not only enable disabled people to enter public buildings through a rising platform system, but replaces existing staircases with moving steps that can recede into the supporting wall and reveal the lift platform. The beauty of this arrangement is that the steps can still be used as a staircase when the lift is not in use and the steps appear no different than any fixed staircase.

English Heritage has already taken note of our products and as a result, has recognised our lifts as a great device that can be incorporated into Grade I, Grade II and Grade II* listed buildings whilst not being regarded as a blemish on these properties. Additionally, our lifts have been built in prestigious places such as Kensington Palace and Eton College. This encouragement has given Sesame Access a further incentive to becoming the premier stair lift manufacturer in wheelchair lifts.

As with any other stair lift manufacturer, it is vital to provide a competitive quote for any potential customer to remain a viable business. If you go to our website, there is the possibility of choosing what type of lift you would like to install in your premises and what additional features you require. We can provide you with an instant quote that takes all of these elements into account and can let you know how long it can take to build and install the required lift.

What sets us apart as a stair lift manufacturer is the fact that we don’t have a standard stairlift design. Every lift that we have installed around the UK and in Europe is tailor-made for its intended location since each customer has to be certain that the lift complements their existing staircase in terms of dimension and type of material used. For this reason, having a standard lift design that we would always have to refer to wouldn’t serve our purpose. The cladding that we apply to each lift ensures that the product can blend in with the surroundings and even add some flair to the building.

We take great care in sourcing as many materials from British companies as possible and ensure that they are of top quality before using them to build our access lifts. Sesame Access’ engineers have been building these types of lifts for many years so they know how to make them work effectively and how to keep them in good condition.

The lift can be activated by pressing the call lift button on our inbuilt button station, this causes the moving stairs to retract away and the lift platform to emerge from underneath. The wheelchair user moves onto the platform and applies their brakes. Upon pressing the directional arrows on the button station, the security barriers surround the platform and the lift rises up or lowers. These security barriers lower when the lift reaches its destination and the wheelchair user can continue on their way.


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