Wheelchair Access - Suitable access for wheelchair users to public premises

Wheelchair Access



The is one of our most hidden lifts ever built. For more information on our projects, please click here

After the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (later superseded by the Equality Act 2010) was introduced, the question of wheelchair access in Britain became a major concern for big companies and owners of public buildings. The government began clamping down on the distinct lack of suitable access for wheelchair users, readily supported by English Heritage and encouraged by companies such as Blue Badge Style.

Overseas this has been taken even further. A law has recently come out in France detailing that everywhere must have suitable disabled access by 2015, and if a law stating that has come out in France, with disabled access in Britain and Europe becoming a major concern, it is only a matter of time before a similar law finds its way into the minds of those who make the decisions in the European Union.panies and owners of public buildings. The government began clamping down on the distinct lack of suitable access for wheelchair users, readily supported by English Heritage and encouraged by companies such as Blue Badge Style.

Disabled wheelchair access is of major importance in today’s world. People deserve the right to be treated equally, and do not deserve to be hindered or even completely unable to access a public building just because they either can’t or have major trouble walking.

We at Sesame Access provide the perfect answer to such a major issue. We understand that people deserve the right to have suitable and reliable wheelchair access. However, we also understand the importance of maintaining the aesthetic beauty and sometimes simplicity of buildings, especially those categorised as listed, be it grade I, II* or II. That is why we have created a bespoke product, found nowhere else in the world, which promises efficient, reliable, desirable wheelchair access without taking anything away from the architectural beauty or historic significance of any building anywhere.

Find out how Sesame Access can help you improve your wheelchair access efficiency with the perfect solution for your site only. Click here to find out how our lifts compare to any other disabled access or wheelchair access lift.

Other useful links:

Our projects page: for more information on our lifts

Our quote page: find out what we can do for you

Our process page: Learn about how we install a lift, from quote to commission


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