Weekly Global Disability News

Sesame Access are not only a disabled access lift manufacturer but we are also advocates for an accessible and inclusive society. We create products which change peoples lives and ensure they can access the buildings and places they WANT to go to and not just because it is accessible.

The news stories below demonstrate the struggles and obstacles the disability community face everyday. Raising awareness is essential to combat the issues and make a change.

3rd-9th October

Adobe Marks This Year’s National Disability Employment Awareness Month By Redefining How The Disability Community Is Perceived

Like Halloween, October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM), and San Jose-based software maker Adobe is again marking the occasion. In a blog post published on Wednesday, the company’s accessibility boss Andrew Kirkpatrick details what Adobe is doing throughout the month to amplify disabled workers and what he calls “[celebrating] intersectional identities.”

“Throughout the month, Adobe is excited to host several engaging events and spotlight stories from our employees to continue our efforts in raising awareness on the significant role people with disabilities play in the workforce and our communities,” he wrote in the post. “It is Adobe’s conviction that everyone deserves respect and equal treatment, regardless of any personal traits that make up who we are. We believe when people feel appreciated and included, they can be more creative, innovative, and successful. We call this vision Adobe for All.”

The centerpiece of Adobe’s NDEAM celebration this year is what the company describes as “We the 15%.” Kirkpatrick explains the number is a reference to the 1.2 billion people worldwide, or 15% of the global population, who live with some sort of disability. Additionally, the company hopes to inspire all employees to own and take pride in their own unique identities—not only disability, but the intersectionality therein around race, sexuality, gender identity, and more. The ultimate goal for Adobe, Kirkpatrick said, is to continue fostering an inclusive and empathetic corporate culture in which people feel free to “break free from stigmas,” thereby ensuring everyone feels a strong sense of belonging.

Full article here: https://www.forbes.com/sites/s...

AT&T Makes Disability Part of the Equity Equation

Electric toothbrushes. Amazon’s Alexa. Audiobooks. Keyboards. These everyday household and workplace items that are common for all of society to use were originally created with a specific audience in mind: people with disabilities.

In fact, some of our world’s renowned scientists—tracing as far back as Alexander Graham Bell, Thomas Edison, and more recently Stephen Hawking—were individuals with disabilities who gifted the world with life-changing innovations. Not only have these contributions been critical to the advancement of our nation, including technological innovations, but they have also progressed civil rights and inclusivity—for all.

National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM) is an opportunity to reflect on and celebrate the accomplishments and societal contributions of people with disabilities, and also acknowledge the important role that people with disabilities play in creating a diverse and inclusive workforce. Because we know that when this community is at the forefront of conversations, not only does the world benefit but the path to building a more inclusive and equitable society is paved.

At AT&T, we understand the importance of supporting and acknowledging the contributions of people with disabilities, not only because it aligns with our company value to Stand for Equality and creates a more inclusive workforce, but also because we know that when this community is supported and represented, innovative solutions are created. This NDEAM, we honor the contributions of our 7,000+ employees with disabilities and stand firm in our commitment to create a culture of understanding, awareness, advancement and advocacy for people with disabilities.

Lisa Collins, Director of Tax at AT&T, who suffered an accident five years ago that caused her to become a wheelchair user, discusses the importance of advocating for people with disabilities in the workplace:


It’s my passion, and also my duty, to advocate for others with disabilities in the workplace – whether it be a physical disability or not. Creating a culture of disability inclusion starts with each one of us. I am grateful beyond words for the AT&T resources that have allowed me to do my job well and continue to add value to my organization. I encourage other companies to keep people with disabilities in mind in all aspects of business – you will be a better company for it.”

People like Lisa exemplify AT&T’s commitment to creating an inclusive workplace where people feel heard, supported and empowered. For more information on how AT&T supports employees with disabilities and how our disability workforce is making a difference in the communities we serve, visit our Diversity, Equity and Inclusion website.

Full article here: https://about.att.com/story/20...

Embracing and raising awareness of the diversity in our communities

The Police Service of Northern Ireland will be taking the opportunity to highlight the extent and impact of hate crime across Northern Ireland and will be out engaging with local communities encouraging all to embrace diversity during National Hate Crime Awareness Week, 8-15th October 2022.

The most recent statistics published by the Service (August 2022) show that the number of crimes recorded rose across five of the six hate motivations (race, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, and faith/religion) when compared with the previous 12 months. Hate crimes with a disability motivation saw the largest overall increase of 38% (from 75 to 104), with sexual orientation motivated hate crimes rising by 25% (from 264 to 331).

A hate crime or incident can involve people being targeted based on their disability, gender identity, race, religion and sexual orientation. It can take many forms such as physical and verbal attacks, vandalism, graffiti, online abuse and threatening behaviours.

This week the Police Service will be sharing messages across their social media channels to educate the public on how to recognise Hate Crime so we can all play a part in challenging and stopping it.

Neighbourhood Policing Teams have also begun an engagement programme across all districts. They will be out and about in your local communities speaking to those affected and spread the message that Northern Ireland is no place for hate.

Endorsing the campaign Hate Crime Lead, Inspector Patrick Mullan said: “There is a famous quote that states, we hate what we don’t understand and I believe that this resonates in Northern Ireland.

“As a Police Service we would like to see a shift in the narrative so that the diversity in our communities is embraced and celebrated. This week our Neighbourhood Policing Teams begin a programme of engagement to speak directly to those affected by hate crime and encourage a better understanding of the diversity in our communities.

“Hate crime can have a long lasting, damaging impact on victims and their wider community. We believe that every person has the right to go about their lives without being the target of abusive language or criminal behaviour motivated by hate or prejudice. We all have a role in eliminating this behaviour from our society. There is no place for hate and we take reports of this nature incredibly seriously.”

The Police Service, alongside the Department of Justice, fund a dedicated Advocacy Service to help and support victims of Hate Crime. Six specialist Hate Crime Advocates, who represent all communities, support victims through the criminal justice process to help bring offenders to justice.

Since the commencement of the new service in April 2022 until end of August there were 498 referrals for Hate Crime Advocacy support.

One mother of a young victim they supported explained how Hate Crime has affected their family: “We’ve been starved of human kindness because they see us as different. I can’t remember when I last saw my child laughing, when the community turn their back on you its real isolation”

Another victim said: “Six months on and I still can’t go out on my own at night, at the back of my head I’m waiting for another attack.”

The Police Service would appeal to anyone who has experienced a hate crime or incident to report. Officers are here to help you and can make sure you get access to the support you need.

Full article here: https://www.psni.police.uk/lat...

Australian Airlines Becoming Increasingly Disability Unfriendly

If you're a wheelchair user or have a disability, there's a good chance that you're already aware of the increasing disability unfriendliness of some Australian airlines.

While Qantas' reputation has improved over the years, its fully owned low-cost carrier Jetstar constantly makes headlines as disability unfriendly airline. Qantas and Jetstar are currently facing a disability crisis that is taking a serious toll on many individuals and families in Australia. Indeed, one of the main concerns of those with disabilities traveling via Qantas or Jetstar is that the airlines are not always well-equipped to deal with those with specific needs, such as those who require assistance using a wheelchair.

Many disabled passengers are left stranded and without any relief in sight, as the airlines continually refuse to provide accessible air travel. Wheelchair passengers are especially at risk, as these airlines do not provide assistance when boarding or disembarking aircraft. Zoe Simmons needs her wheelchair to maintain her mobility and independence. So when her wheelchair was damaged while she took a

flight from Sydney to Canberra last week, it was a big deal. To make things worse, Qantas initially refused to repair it.

Full article here: https://www.reducedmobility.eu...

Disclaimer- We do not own/write any of these article extracts, we are simply sharing to our audience in order to raise awareness and increase coverage. Credit is always given.


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