Crush hazards surrounding the disabled lift

The maximum gaps between moving parts and the pit should be less than 10mm. Generally, Sesame designs all gaps to be between 6 mm and 8 mm.

All adjacent surfaces should conform to the following criteria, or else they will be deemed potential crush hazards:

  • Flush
  • Up to 1.5 mm of overhang/protrusion
  • Greater than 1.5 mm and less than 5 mm overhang must be chamfered at 15 degrees.
  • Be less than 10 mm or greater than 100 mm away from a moving edge.

Any projections deemed crush hazards must conform to the following:

  • Be made smooth, continuous, and free of overhangs. The continuous surface must then either be moved to within 10 m of the lift or moved to at least 100 mm from any moving parts of the lift.
  • If a continuous surface is not achievable, then the crushing hazard must be moved to at least 300 mm from the edge of the lift, or the lift table must be fitted with a safety edge.

Local crushing hazards are typically handrails or overhangs on adjacent walls and structures.

NOTE: Sesame designers will provide detailed guidance on these issues.

For example, if a handrail local to the lift presents a crush hazard as detailed above, then the handrail must either be 300 mm away from the retracting stairs and the disabled lift, or the Sesame disabled lift should have a safety edge to detect the hazard. If the handrail, however, does not present a crush zone (such as a plumb flush solid stainless steel bar handrail), then it can be positioned either less than 10 mm or more than 100 mm away.